Sunday, May 13, 2007

Balik Kampung...

It's Mother's Day...My family and I went to grandma's house to celebrate this very special day. Before we went for dinner, i took this opportunity to go to the paddy farm in Sekinchan which located few miles from grandma's house. It was hot and dry at the paddy field. No doubt i'll be getting sunburn very soon. Sigh...

Let the pics do the talking... I boh lat already....

It was a cloudy day...

Kampung house spotted!

Yahoo..! Paddy farm..!

1 tree only a??? I need shelter neh...

Kukubird spotted...!

Myvi eats grass...

Expensive lalang...

Lalang which i eat everyday...

Luckily they provide a public toilet...

Myvi meets mango tree.

Longkang to Sungai Klang..?

Japanese bicycle... off road type...

This is where I parked my car...

Waving lalang... Bye bye...

1/2 ripe lalang...

Never ending road...

Same colour like Sg. Klang rite...?

I need a model for this car... Any volunteer...?

Mango's flower... Can eat a???

No banana tree meh..?

The ram which gets your car across...

Where is the frog...?


Longkang flowers...

Yellow spots..? Sick a...?

Nearly fall into the longkang while taking this pic...

Kukubird's hse...

p/s: I wanna wish Happy Mother's Day to all the mummy, mama, mak, ah bu and ah ma in the world...! You are the greatest..!


  1. did u photoshop yr pic..? or is it as original as it is....?

  2. Yup... I photoshopped some of the pics...

  3. r u sure tatz mango tree?? :p

    btw.. ur skill is improve lah... & ur comment r funny.. hehe.. good one :D

  4. which is ori n which is photoshopped..?

  5. All are original... Only adjusted the colour, brightness & contrast. ;)

  6. Ya meilin... i can confirm that is a mango tree... With some red leaves & white flowers... If free we go and see, ok..??? xD

  7. sure boh.. dun bluff me... let's go again.. haha ;)

  8. No prob...! If real wan then u kena from me ya..
