Sunday, June 3, 2007

Banana Visits JB...

Today just came back from JB... What i've done in JB was eating seafood... That's all.... Thx for reading... xD wakaka...! ....but managed captured a couple of pics lor... sad.... traveled 700KM for this 2 pics..!!! expensive right..? kaka.. What to do.. This is banana's life... T_T wuwu.... Here's the view of a Singapore port from Teluk Jawa Seafood Restaurant in Masai... While enjoying the seafood, got nice scenary of the busy port to see, and nice fishy odour to smell.... muah...! Sooo nice...!

The port is the only light source...

Can you see Titanic The 2nd carrying loads...? Don't worry, banana told the capten to watch out for the icebergs d... ;)

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